Who rips off each other's blogs the most?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

James Contrino "This blog has everything I love: Rocky Dennis, Mork and Charlton Heston!"

Yes! We do have everything...except running water and a decent toilet. I'm tired of shitting in the same pot that Jerry Reed boils hot dogs in!
I'm gonna have to look on Craigslist for a separate pot for just shitting in.

Okay, Jerry Reed, aka Harry Johnston, just invented a new confection...Octo Dogs. Take a look!
He woke me up from my cocaine stupor to show me these fucking things! I said they look like the tips of a penis some coalminer stuck an M80 in! These types of things don't surprise me anymore...Jerry reed is a weird dude...just take a look
i actually hate the guy, but since I haven't worked in 18 years and this is the only individual to let me near their home, I should be grateful. We first met when I was hitchhiking in Iowa and he pulled over in his 1973 Plymouth Duster. It was filled with plush toys that he actually buckled in with seatbelts. I asked what the fuck he was doing with a backseat full of plush toys and he pulled a machete out of his wig and told me to shut the fuck up! We've been inseparable ever since.

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